Top10 machine learning apps


 Top10machine-learning apps

        Take benefits of these machine learning mobile apps by downloading them.

     Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and data science most trending technology in the twenty century.With this technology easy to experience user expectations and provide them according to problems solution. which apps are used artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithm solved this problem as like that recognize speech, image processing, face recognition,self-driving as well as translate voices with high quality.  

In this article, we read some best mobile apps application those based on artificial intelligence and machine learning concepts.

  Name of apps application

  1. Wysa  (anxiety, depression&sleep therapy chatbot)
  2. Netflix
  3. Diet Diary
  4. Tinder
  5. ImprompDo 
  6. Intelli AV
  7. Leia: Website builder
  8. Happy Draw
  9. Vs.Tensorflow
  10. AI PokerAIfie

 1.Wysa  (anxiety, depression&sleep therapy chatbot)


      Wysa application is a user-friendly artificial intelligence-based chatbot app that purposes to provide mental health and emotional resilience problem solutions. wysa does not provide any cure for mental health conditions or medical emergencies. that app helps to users organize your thoughts and emotions reflects on their own feeling and mood. This app daily monitoring your mood and effecting in your life affects your mood day by simply texting and answering MCQs with the Wysa app. 


         Netflix one of the most popular video hosting and machine learning-based mobile apps. every person aware of Netflix what is. the content on Netflix organized based on age group, gender, reviews, length, year, rationale, and other factors. all types of data fed into Netflix based on machine learning algorithms. 

  Netflix's machine learning algorithms learn customer behaviors. customer what are watch or which types of movies watch or which episode watched on Netflix . on the basis of a watch list of customers machine learning algorithms recommends the next episode of which type of movies you like.  

3. Diet Diary

    Diet Diary is one of the best apps for people to see for a better diet or meal planning solutions. Diet Diary app very simple applications which are based on machine learning concepts. this app predicts what food, drinking, or meal eat you so that benefits your body by taking images feedback and telling you how many calories contains the total meals. 

4. Tinder


       This app is a very interesting and useful app. this app is also known as a dating app that helps people to find their appropriate partner. Tinder contains a variety of spells and remedies to find you a perfect match, this perfect matching will work on machine learning algorithms.

  On Tinder, the app male type your wishes what are like, what qualifications need on another side, upload your profile detail and photo and another side female upload your profile details and photo and your wishes, what qualifications needed man, when both are wishes match that perfect partner meet.
 this matching based on machine learning algorithms.

5. Leia: website builder

    Leia: website builder is a very good example of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms that can be used to improve aspects of everyday life and provide good solutions for individuals and companies. this app is very useful those candidates with no design or coding experience, Leia can make a website according to users what are want.

       Simply user speaks to Leia on your device or types a description of which types of user website want and what purpose. after Leia ask you a few questions and the user gives  the answer, questions are related to your website and after submission, Leia create your website 





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